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Our Cell Assembly Programming (CAP) is appreciably different from other methods of creating 3D organ components, and is the perfect solution for cell therapies. CAP technology is an opportunity for anyone interested in realizing the goal of human organ repair and regeneration. HOF Therapeutics has found a path to realize the full potential of cell therapy by preparing them to be reincorporated into the body.


As you may know, there are approximately 30 trillion cells in the average human body, and cells can get dislodged occasionally and be moved by the blood stream or other physical forces to new locations where they do not belong. It is crucial for cells to have a mechanism to die rather than propagate in random locations. Identified so far is 'apoptosis' where cells are programmed to die within minutes of being dislodged. Adding stem cells back to the body has little chance of helping if the cells die too rapidly.

Turns out there is a lot more happening then just apoptosis. Understanding the multiple control points for cell reincorporation into the body is key and is where HOF has focused its efforts in the lab. We found a series of steps that need to be taken that together make up CAP technology.​


CAP is ideal for human cell therapy and can be added to current clinical trial efforts. We encourage companies embarking on cell therapy clinical trials to contact us about including our method, which yields cells for implantation formulated without any additional additives for the final implantation into the patient.


CAP organs for drug screening are prepared in transwell chambers and are the most accurate representation of organ morphology, matching 'gestational' organoids formed after months of signaling to mimic stages in embryo development. CAP organs are formed with less expense, requiring less time, and adaptable to larger scale production. Using a panel of CAP organs can reduce 'off target' effects by informing how drugs will effect other organs.



Images below show CAP (Cell Assembly Programmed) organs formed from tissue culture grown cells then mixed together into a slurry in a tube and plated into trans-well chambers. After feeding for about 10-days CAP Organs are created. Wells are viewed with an inverted microscope directly (D) or stained cryosections (CS) are prepared. Our protocol is unique in facilitating rapid tissue assembly from mixed cells. Any other organoids not showing distinct tissue layers, ducts and other fine structures are obsolete.​​​

CAP Skin -Full thickness skin with well developed stratum corneum (CS). 


CAP Hair -Hair placode developing in a spiral swirl (D).


 Nascent Blood Vessel formation. Formed from transitional cells (D).

Blood vessels CAP.png

CAP Bone -Nascent bone osteon developing (D).


CAP Lung -regularly spaced, loose epithelial tissue allows for efficient gas exchange in a single alveolar sac as shown. Bottom left shows alveolar duct. (CS)


Sweat Gland CAP Skin. Filaggrin stained red seen around circular pore, in agreement with known antibiotic properties of filaggrin. Loricrin in green 



HOF Therapeutics

1100 Ruhlman Ln., Novato, CA, 94945    


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